
Goodbye to Rebirth

Goodbye to Rebirth

Rebirth, the collection that catapulted Dark Thorn's career. The "rebirth" of the label, taking it from just printed tees and skater skirts to the glamorous, detailed, timeless styles you see today. Rebirth launched in October 2016 on Halloween with a with a runway that celebrated the death and rebirth of Dark Thorn. Rebirth was Dark Thorn's child, it was challenging and it taught me many lessons. Lessons on styles, fabrics, cuts, closures and flow. What styles I probably should have selected a stretch fabric on and where I could have put a closure for more comfort. Rebirth is the history...

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10 Interesting Facts About Queen Victoria

10 Interesting Facts About Queen Victoria

It's no secret that Queen Victoria is one of my favourite monarchs in history, alongside Mary Queen of Scots. Both such fierce women in a very male dominated world. Queen Victoria was actually born Alexandrina Victoria and took the name Victoria at her coronation in 1838 at the ripe age of 18.  Queen Victoria was the longest reigning monarch in history until our very own Queen, Queen Elizabeth II took her place.  Being the fifth in line for the throne, no one knew she would become Queen. Her grandfather was King George III, his son and heir to the throne...

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5 Ways To Style The Heather Vest

5 Ways To Style The Heather Vest

The Heather Vest is such a fun garment as there are endless possibilities for styling. Below we have some of out favourite ways to style the Heather Vest and hopefully it will inspire you to get creative and think outside of the box! Option 1 Style the Heather Vest over a nice black high waisted pant with a slight flare. Add some statement boots (we chose some boots with pearls here to soften the look), part your hair in half and add a little bow and a statement blush handbag.  Option 2 Style the Heather Vest with some denim, over...

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10 Interesting Facts About Mary Queen of Scots

10 Interesting Facts About Mary Queen of Scots

Its no secret that our recent collection was inspired by the Scottish Highlands and with the Scottish Highlands comes out love for Mary Queen of Scots. Here are some interesting facts about the child queen. 1. She became queen at the ripe old age of 6 days... yep 6 days old.  2. At the age of 16 between 1559 and 1560 she also became the queen of France through marriage to the soon to be King Frances until his death. 3. Mary fled back to Scotland where she married her cousin, Lord Darnley, Margaret Tudors grandson. Marrying another Tudor infuriated...

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Opening of Local Collective Boutique

Opening of Local Collective Boutique

Local Collective Boutique is a one stop shop to shop local. Stocking only South Australian small businesses and creatives in one shop giving an outlet for businesses to reach broader into South Australia. Founded by Dark Thorn's clothes designer Tori-Anne Gill, she wanted a space to showcase South Australian designers and creatives alike but also have a place where she can base herself with her studio and HQ. Currently you can find all Dark Thorn items available here as well as items from Addison Ash, Shiva Novinfar, Earths Essense, Coequa, Mimi and Coco and Victoria Antoinette Kids with the idea...

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